Tag Archive | ex boyfriend

Can You Still Be Friends After A Break-Up?

Staying friends after a break-up is not easy. As a matter of fact, I would go as far as to say that I would not recommend it. Okay, I know a few London escorts who have been able to pull it off successfully, but I also know that a lot of London escorts have found it very stressful. There are many reasons why you should not really try to stay friends. One of the main reasons, is that trying to stay friends can upset new partners. They will probably wonder why you are still friends with your ex.

Of course, if you have kids together with your ex-partner, you do have to have some kind of working relationship. I keep on wondering if that is not the best way to look at it. I know that there are London escorts who have this romantic notion that staying friends is a good idea, but I am not sure about that. I think it is important to get on with each other. Deep down, I would personally not put any effort into trying to stay friends with an ex-partner that I have been involved in a romantic relationship with. But then again, the guys I have dated since I have been with charlotte London escorts, have perhaps been a bit on the dodgy side if you know what I mean.

What can happen when you try to stay friends with someone? I don’t know about you, but I certainly know how I would personally react. I think that I would still really want to know what goes on in their lives. Not that I have had that many boyfriends since I joined London escorts. Like other London escorts, I do find that it is not easy to have personal relationships. But, when one of my ex-boyfriends have met someone new, I have to admit that I have always felt jealous. It is not a feeling that I have enjoyed.

Am I the only girl at our London escorts to say this? No, I am not. Many of the other girls say the same thing when they have tried to stay friends with their partners. It is not unusual for them to describe feelings of rage and anger. As we all know, those are really not positive emotions. When you start to feel anger and resentment towards an ex-partner, other personal problems can follow. Before you know it, you find yourself stalking him or her online. You want to know everything that is going on in their life. When I came out of my last relationship, that is exactly what I found myself doing.

Before I knew it, I ended up caught up in this vicious circle and less than proud of myself. I even trolled my ex online using a fake social media profile. In the end, I really had to grab hold of myself from stopping myself from trolling this guy online. Speaking to the other girls at our London escorts agency, I soon realised that I was not the only girl who had found myself in this situation. One or two of the other London escorts that I work with, had also found themselves stalking or trolling their ex-boyfriends. Consequently, I really do think that it is best if you can let go of an ex completely and not try to stay friends.